But first, what is acrylic?

Acrylic is a transparent and versatile plastic material that is widely used in commercial, industrial, and residential industries. It is lightweight and durable, and has a high level of clarity and transparency.

There are two main types of acrylic sheets: cast and extruded. Both are important and essential. However, these two types have different characteristics. There are also different ways on how acrylic panel types are used by consumers for everyday life. If you are curious, continue reading this post.

Cast Acrylic

Cast acrylic is formed by casting a monomer, methyl methacrylate (MMA) into a form or a mold. Then it will be submerged into water where the process of polymerization occurs that turns MMA to PMMA (Polymethyl Methacrylate). It requires more intensive labor because of the process itself. Some of the characteristics of cast acrylic are as follows:

● The highest quality acrylic
● Stiffer
● For larger structures and installations
● Has superior clarity characteristic
● Known to be more resistant to the same solvents
● Less likely to melt or chip during machining
● More available colors

Extruded Acrylic

Extruded acrylic, on the other hand, is manufactured through a continuous process. It has more consistent thickness. Acrylic or PMMA pellets were put into a container for a long and detailed process. It is also more malleable and can be easily flame-polished.

Some of extruded acrylic’s characteristics are:
● More consistent thickness
● Flexible
● Lower melting point
● Thickness is limited
● Recyclable

These two acrylics have different uses and characteristics, as mentioned earlier. These characteristics also set the reason why prices of acrylic sheets differ in the Philippines. In fact, many businesses have started to sell acrylic panels to meet the high demand of the said product.

Some of uses of acrylic sheets that are being sold are:

Uses of Cast Acrylic

● Acrylic Signage. It is also a well-known material for signages, especially for commercial establishments.
● Basketball board. Lighter and more impact resistant than glass. That’s why many people prefer to use backboards made of acrylic.
● Sound barrier. Professionals also use acrylic as sound barriers because it could dampen sound vibrations transmitted through it.
● Acrylic partition. Acrylic plastic sheets can be used for partitions in different areas such as offices, restaurants, etc.

Uses of Extruded Acrylic

● Exhibits and tradeshow display partition. With its clearness and good light absorbing properties, many exhibitors tend to use acrylic panels as partition for their works.
● Acrylic sneeze guard. Because of pandemic, acrylic sneeze guards are commonly used on different establishments. The main material for this is acrylic.
● Basketball board. Like cast acrylic, extruded acrylic can also be used for basketball boards.
● Aquariums. As a good substitute for glass, acrylic can also be used in making aquariums.

Depending on their respective purpose, both acrylic types are essential for everyday life. Whether cast or extruded, as long as their right functions are being maximized, both can be used well according to their types.

In Metro Manila, more and more clients are using acrylic for their establishments and even homes. Some are for acrylic noise barriers; some are for home partitions. Many are also considering it for acrylic barriers in their restaurants.

The bottom line is, there is a long list of uses of acrylic. The best way to know which is the right type for a project is to contact an acrylic supplier or professional to know more.